Which hp character will love you? (part 2)

Are you a beliver or a sinker. So sorry cedric fans about what I was saying I WILL NOT say it again. Nev whoptiedo!!!!!!! I will try and make everything even.

PLEASE comment but if you do, DO NOT be rude (swear, etc.) and PLEASE nobody be mean.

Created by: itallendshere
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Crabbe and Goyle get jealous of you for admiring everyone but not them.
  2. Next day you see them beating up someone. When you get a bit closer you see it is Draco. You:
  3. Your with Harry and Ron in free period and than you see Draco looking at you. You say to Harry and Ron:
  4. You went (if you didn't click didn't happen) and Draco kept thanking you. You were speechless.
  5. It is dinner and Dumbledore has anocuenced triwizards at Hogwarts! Everyone is excited but then unhappy you have to be 18 or over to enter. Then dumbledore announces the other two schools.
  6. You are so annoyed so you are wondering and you see a glimpse of movement then you see Harry (hiding), Hagrid and Olympe.
  7. You followed and you saw dragons you wonder:
  8. On the last task Harry was taken away with Cedric but when they came back Cedric was dead. You:
  9. Harry one the tourment. You:
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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