Which Christian denomination do you belong to? | Comments

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  • It was right in saying I am closest to Methodist. I took the quiz six times on different days to make sure it wasn't random. Methodist every time.

  • May I just point out that for me this quiz was wrong it said I was Episcopalian when actually I am a mormon. Sorry.

  • Your Result: Baptist

    As a Baptist, you believe that the saved are commanded to be baptised as a public display of their faith. You are strongly opposed to the whole idea of infant baptism. After all, it's not recored in the Bible, and it is impossible for a child, still innocent in the eyes of God, to accept Christ with all its heart, and be forgiven for future sins. Baptists share many views with mainstream reformed churches regarding matters such as infallable scripture, evangelism, the Trinity, and the Second Coming of Christ. However, Baptists also place a huge emphasis on religious freedom, believing strongly in the autonomy of local churches, and more generally the separation of church and state.

    Sweet cuz that is so true! i am baptist at heart and i have known for a while. i can't wait to turn 18 and go to a baptist church again

  • I got Methodist with Lutheran as second. I'm a little surprised because I grew up Lutheran, but I guess they're not too far apart. Great quiz, and very helpful!

  • It said I'm baptist based on the freedom of religion and infant baptism but I'm not.

    I don't have a denomination and I don't believe in the Trinity. I believe that God is God and Jesus is God's first creation not his other part (I think Jesus and his followers made that quite clear)...but I do support a Baptist university in Limbe, Haiti UCNH which does amazing work in Haiti.

    We will all find out the truth during the end of times.

  • I got Catholic, and what do you know, I am Catholic.

  • My result is Pentecostal. I'm a Zen Buddhist(thus atheist).

    This was fun, my understanding is we have more in common with the Catholics but I suppose that may not be the case.

  • hmm...Kind of interesting, said I was a baptist, and it was Right, well I'm actually a southern baptist but theres not much difference...Though I don't know how Pentecostal got #2 on the list...

  • It said I was Baptist...and what do u know, I am one! My brother-in-law and sister are missionaries, my mom is a Sunday school teacher, and my dad is a Sunday school teacher and a Deacon! This quiz is SWEET!

    Sarah Soda Slim
  • great quiz!

  • My result was Methodist, and I don't have a denomination, nor do I believe in them because it means to divide and God hates division, but I'm pretty sure the beliefs of Methodists are close to my own, from what the answer said. Except, I don't believe salvation can be lost. Rewards in heaven can certainly be lost, but not salvation.

    The quiz was very thorough, and that's good, and lots of results, too.

    • But suppose a murderer was killing a lot of people and then he dies without being sorry for his sins. I don't believe he would go to heaven.

      You should consider being a catholic (if you're not one already) because they were the first Christian church and they don't want division but unity as one, holy, catholic and apostolic church.

  • It was pretty close. It didn't have my denomination on there but I'd say that Seventh-day Adventists are closer to Baptists than to the other groups listed.


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