Which Christian denomination do you belong to? | Comments

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  • I belong to a religious science church, what do I tell a person who thinks I am not a Christian.

  • I don't even know what is a Puritan or their stands. I been hoping to attend a Primitive Baptist church (which I never did though).

  • Mormons are real Christians and the only true Church of Jesus Christ on earth.

    Anderson 56
    • The writings of the first Christians during the first and second centuries beg to differ.

  • PURITAN 91%!!! YIPES. I've always seen myself as a Baptist with strong Calvinist leanings, (Baptist 89%, Calvinist 72%). I attend a Baptist church with strong Pentecostal leanings.

  • Baptist=89% and Pentecostal=85% Wow! I am just how my mother describes me....Bapticostal!! !! Amen.

    • Thats how our church describes itself! ;) though we're technically Baptist :)

  • Funny, being raised catholic, leaving religion at the age of about 12 having lived the last 48 years as an atheist, the result is as follows: Pentecostal: 86%, Methodist: 62%, Baptist: 57%, Puritan: 38%, Restorationist: 27%, Lutheran: 22%, Calvinist: 15%, Catholic: 15%, Episcopalian: 14%.

    Like Hellinc7 questions, perhaps too much focussed on christian denominations...

    I also missed options like 'None of these options'.

  • i agree with revrobin. it is clear what standpoint the questioner comes from, and is loaded!

  • quite confused... I suppose I can identify with some aspects of Luther's theology, so maybe Lutheran is understandable. Calvinism seems to be high up there tho which does confuse me :s.

  • It called me a Calvinist! Even though I said people have free will (Qs 3 & 17). Questions 7 and 16 (faith alone and atonement) were difficult because my option was not provided in either. (7: Faith Alone, _evidenced_ by doing good works (James 2) and 16: Atoning sacrifice offered by God to humanity to bring about reconciliation, not appeasement or tricking Satan or even propitiation of an angry god--the sole source of atonement, but not substitutionary.)

  • Two comments: First some of your answers are loaded, that is to say you do not offer enough options to get to a true belief system nor do you offer a "none of the above" choice. Second, your English usage needs some help, for instance the distinction between "between" and "among" is misused. A good start, but lacks enough depth.

  • I didn't even understand half of what the questions actually were. This quiz needs to be reworded so all Christians understand, and put into simple language. When I finally got my answer it said I was a Calvinist. I couldn't work out how it came to that conclusion but of course words like presbytery and episcopal are not in my language and definitely not in the Word of God. I am probably a radical pentecostal so I felt duly insulted by the answer.

  • I like what Hellenic7 said as well.

  • I like what davymast said

  • I feel like this quiz has very little to do with the Christian faith, which for me, is all about love. Love is not even mentioned in any of the questions or answers.

    Here are my answers:
    1. What is your age?
    2. What is your gender?

    (tho ugh the only other option is female, so those who don't fit into a binary understanding of gender are already excluded)

    3. Who do you believe decides whether or not someone achieves salvation?

    I don't know. My brain reads this question along similar lines as "If you have a chocolate bar and an apple in your lunchbox, what colour is your pet cat?" I mean, I like chocolate, but I don't care much for apples, and I don't even have a cat. Go figure.

    4. Which of the the options below do you think best sums up the legitimate sacraments?

    I find murmurs of God's grace all over the place. When I sit and do paintings. When I'm out walking my dog. When I'm drinking a beer and discussing Voltaire down at the pub. Aren't these sacraments too?

    5. What are your views on church hierarchy and positions such as that of Priest, Bishop etc?

    I like that Bishops get to wear funky gold hats. And the colourful scarfs priests wear are pretty cool to.

    6. Do you believe in the idea of a universal church (before the Second Coming), or that people should have religious freedom to pursue their beliefs as God guides them?

    Huh? I'm not sure what the second coming has to do with any of this, but I'm happy for people to connect with God (or to struggle with faith) in whatever way suits them. I'm pretty sure if I was born and brought up in a Muslim country that I'd be a Muslim.

    7. Which of the following do you believe to be necessary for salvation?

    See question 3 on cats and chocolate.

    8. Do you believe there is any merit in infant baptism?

    Yes, it brings families to

    • my cat white

    • wrong. u are a filthy heretic, u blaspheming heathen ! May the Holy C smite thou

    • Dont say that! Thats extremely mean and unkind.!!!!!

    • Are you sure that you're a Christian? I'm not judging or pointing fingers. It just sounds like you're describing your favorite genre of movie instead of what denomination you are. These questions may not be perfect, but they cover some pretty deciding factors on which church you would fit in most at. And the belief in the Second Coming is VERY important. I mean, it's a fundamental Christian belief. Unless you're Muslim or Jewish, in which you believe Muhammed/Messiah hasn't came here first time since they believe Christ was just a man. Or a Jehovah's Witness, who believe Christ in the bible is actually a physical manifestation of the Angel Michael. If you are having this much trouble with the questions, or understanding why they're important, perhaps you should go back to squares 1&2. Do you believe in God and Christ, and have you read the Bible? If after that you still struggle with understanding or believing the importance of fundamental Christian beliefs across the different denominations, perhaps you should ask yourself if Christianity is your true belief. Or is it just a fad that you're into. Do you believe in Christ, or is it something you do because all the cool kids are doing it?

    • I tend to agree with davymast. This has nothing to do with Christianity.

  • I was raised Quaker and now am Church of England. I was placed as a Restorationist. Go figure.

  • I feel like this quiz was relatively biased. I am a nondenominational Christian, and I feel that organized denominations are distracting and put too many limits and too much pressure on believers to be the "perfect" Baptist/Methodist/C atholic/Pentecostal /etc.

  • Good quiz but PLEASE go back through & use spell check. Thanks.

  • My result was Episcopalian, as I am an Anglican it got it right. Catholic is second and I would consider myself Anglo-Catholic, right again. Liked it.

    • You should try an Ordinariate parish. They are Catholics who uses the Anglican Liturgy and so very similar to what you are. Here's the link:

      [no urls]

      I'm a member of the Ordinariate myself and really love it.

    • Let me try that again:
      https : // ordinariate . net
      No spaces.

  • does the author of the quiz know that there are Anabaptist Amish/Mennonite etc) sacraments? If so, why were they not included?

  • hmm.... I currently attend a nondenominational church, but I had previously believed that I possessed Catholic beliefs. Until now, I had never considered an Episcopalian Church, but now I am interested to try it out. Thanks!

  • I found several questions difficult to answer because I wasn't given an acceptable answer to choose. I don't think it gave a true indication of who I am which should have been Lutheran or Methodist.

  • Got it right I'm Lutheran, but I got Episcopal for second and I have attended and very much enjoyed the Episcopal Church as well.

  • Good quiz! It nailed me as a Baptist, altho no church can or will get you to heaven! The guy who complained because he is Mormon should realize that this quiz is designed for Christians.

  • This quiz got it right again. I am a Lutheran.

  • This quiz is very limited to a few "denominations" and many questions and answers are typically "Western". You people never heard of Eastern Orthodoxy?! (Globally, the 2nd Christian "denomination" after Catholicism)

    • When will you guys come back into communion with Rome? Most of our disputes are already settled. I just wanna be back together with my Orthobros


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