Whats your subculture/aesthetic/core

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find out ur aesthetic from a bored child lol fdndbjfjsbvhbfjweb,DNVDFBEKJHROEQYIEfkewfhwjekhfwjkefhjjjsjxncndjkwkskwoofxksncmdjdjjeejeuuwuwskzlzksikdiaal

oogabooga peepeepoopoo sadog penisfart blop bleep suicide lamp clock cock poopiestinky big butt mom is milf boom beep shlorpidy boobs face guy kill all men

Created by: swaggybolz
  1. What clothes do you wear
  2. what aesthetic do u lean towards
  3. what side of tiktok ru on?
  4. what's ur poltical views
  5. how crazy do u dress
  6. do you cosplay or are you a furry
  7. what's your guilty pleasure
  8. what do u do in ur spare time
  9. favorite color
  10. how do u feel about homosexuality..?

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Quiz topic: Whats my subculture/aesthetic/core
