Whats Your Crushes Name?

I bet most girl's in the universe have boyfriend's. This is a quiz is NOT for people with those friends. But who is your soul mate??? What is his name?

Are you a guy??? This quiz isn't for you!!! Unless!!! You are gay!!! Are you gay?!? If you are gay you are always going to be sooo GROSSSS!!!

Created by: Alope16
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your fav color?
  2. What your fav sport?
  3. Whats your type?
  4. Do you like guys?
  5. What would you say if your crush said i like you:-)
  6. Are you pretty?:-)
  7. What your fav song?
  8. Have you kissed anyone?
  9. Have you had a boyfriend before?
  10. Are u gay?

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Quiz topic: Whats my Crushes Name?