what wrestler are you ?

There are people wanting 2 be wwe superstars .But they dont know what type .This quiz explains hu u are really well .It will help you choose weither you need to be smart or macho .

So ask yourself are you smart , mach,slf-confident or a bit of everything this quiz will help you decide. In a few minutes you will find out everthing you never knew you could be .

Created by: divabexter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you rather ?
  2. What type of music ..?
  3. How many siblings do u have ?
  4. What is your faveourite ..?
  5. Which 1 ...?
  6. Which describes you ..?
  7. wats ur hair . . . ?
  8. Who would you rather 4 ya tag team partner...?
  9. PICK..?
  10. are u ..?

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Quiz topic: What wrestler am I ?