What would you be like if you were in Fairy Tail?

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This quiz will tell you a character (that I made up) that you would be if you were in Fairy Tail. What is Fairy Tail? It is an anime that has lots of magic and things like that.

What character are YOU? Maybe you're Siro, or even Tadushi? What about Mizu, or Tenshi? Well with this quiz you can find out exactly that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Quiz Master
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your magic?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. Why did u take this quiz?
  4. Pick one
  5. What cake are you most likely to have?
  6. The following questions are random and don't really do anything so, whould u pick panda or crab?
  7. Fire? Water? Earth? Summon?
  8. If something important to u was taken away what would you do?
  9. will u ever want to kill a panda or a dragon or a dolphin or a cat
  10. Did u enjoy this quiz?

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