What Wings Of Fire Tribe Do You Belong To? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Sandwings 86%

    Ah, the Sandwings. You are born into a long line of brilliant leaders. You can survive in some of the most barren places on the planet, hence why you have the largest territory. You are very determined, and it is very hard to shake you from achieving your goal. HECK, if someone tells you you can't do it all you want to do is prove them wrong. You're filled to the brim with pure determination and dazzling spirit. Unlike other tribes you have TWO natural weapons: a poisonous barbed tail and fire breath.

    You can be blinded by passion and determination. Some may see you as hard headed, and you generally dislike change. You hate when your beliefs are questioned. Sometimes you don't know when to quit, and prefer to "go down with the ship" and sacrifice yourself over others.

    You are a determined Sandwing.
    Awesome quiz. Couldn't be much better :D

    • Nightwings are much better than anybody

    • hello fellow ice wings!

      im a poo head
    • I hate seawings all of them beside tsunami coral anemone and summer and turtle other than them I'd rather be a sandwing-nightwing-rainwing animus tribrid like my oc

    • Now I got a i e wing I love ice wings but I think am a night wing becase I LOVE BOOKS!!!!!

    • G


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