What Type of Underwear Should You Wear?

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Welcome! This is a quiz for boys and girls of all ages to determine what type of underwear they should wear based on their personality and tendencies.

This quiz is very accurate, so whatever result you get, you MUST wear that underwear for an entire week, even if it means wearing an underwear type normally worn by the other sex.

Created by: Psychic
  1. What is your favorite subject in school?
  2. What is your favorite movie (of the ones listed)?
  3. What would you do if your pants were pulled down in public?
  4. You want your undies to be...
  5. What is your status in school?
  6. If you found out someone was talking about you behind your back, you would...
  7. You and your friends are going to the pool, you wear your...
  8. What is your age (maturity wise)?
  9. What is your GPA?
  10. What is your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Underwear should I Wear?

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