What type of bender are you?

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Get ready for a lengthy quiz that will help determine what type of bender you would be based on your personality! This quiz uses multiple questions to get a sense of your personality and match it to a stereotypical kindgom in Avatar.

While not everyone from each kingdom has bending powers, this quiz will at least help you narrow down which bending powers you may have based on the kingdom that you align with.

Created by: Fizz
  1. I often use logic rather than intuition
  2. Traditions are very important
  3. I have a weak imagination
  4. I like to help others before myself
  5. I am stubborn when it comes to my personal values
  6. My passions are the most important thing to me
  7. I am always there for the people I care about
  8. I am easily able to handle change as it comes
  9. There's always another option
  10. I get more satisfaction from helping others
  11. People find me charismatic
  12. I am often emotionally affected by how others feel
  13. It's better to be on your own than rely on others
  14. I am confident that I often know what is best
  15. Laughter is the best medicine
  16. I like to plan things out and stick to them as much as possible
  17. I easily make friends everywhere I go
  18. If someone needs help, I am the first person they'd call
  19. I find it difficult to relate to others
  20. Teamwork makes the dream work
  21. I get stressed when my plans go awry and my schedule is disrupted
  22. Becoming close to people makes me feel a sense of obligation to them
  23. I often wake up each day eager to start, work on, or complete a project
  24. Trusting to fate/the universe is sometimes all I can do
  25. I tend to become the leader when working in a group
  26. I prefer to hear everyone's point of view before deciding something
  27. When I start something, I always finish it
  28. When I know something, nothing can convince me otherwise
  29. I often find myself day dreaming
  30. It's better to listen to your head than to your heart
  31. My motivation comes from me
  32. It's okay it others get hurt as long as I can reach my goal
  33. Instead of focusing on any one thing, I prefer to see what feels right in the moment
  34. I think a community only survives if it advances itself
  35. I'm not good at socializing with people I don't know
  36. Sometimes, things just aren't meant to work out
  37. I am willing to work extra hard to complete a task
  38. It's not stealing if you don't get caught
  39. I avoid conflict at all cost
  40. I don't always keep my promises
  41. I would rather blend in with the crowd, rather than stick out

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Quiz topic: What type of bender am I?
