What type of bender are you?

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Are you a waterbender, earthbender, firebender, or an airbender? You can find out by taking this quiz! Brought to you by Tenzin with help from Aang & Korra's Avatar Forums.

What type of bender do YOU think you should be? Well, think no more, because we have the answers right here! Take this quiz to find out what we think!

Created by: Emily
  1. What's your zodiac sign?
  2. What's your favorite animal out of the list below?
  3. What's your favorite song out of the list below?
  4. Favorite Food?
  5. Favorite super power?
  6. Favorite show out of these?
  7. LEAST favorite article of clothing?
  8. Favorite color of these?
  9. Favorite ride at Disneyland?
  10. Favorite game of these?

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Quiz topic: What type of bender am I?