What Thunderbolt character are you?

Quiz Image

These characters are not by me. If you watch Breyer horse movie - Thunderbolt by avia4563 on youtube, you know what I'm talking about. But I adore it so much, and I adore Breyer so much, I've made a quiz.

If you like Thunderbolt, or if you want to anyway, leave a comment on this quiz, telling me what you got as a result! And if you're wondering, the picture for the quiz is Electra.

Created by: Flicka
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where do you live?
  2. What's your favorite color? (Out of these)
  3. If you were trapped, how desperate to get out would you be?
  4. Do you like humans?
  5. Which is your favorite?
  6. What do you like most?
  7. Are you an orphan?
  8. What kind of person are you?
  9. Which word do you find most appealing?
  10. Which word makes you most uncomfortable/want to break something?

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Quiz topic: What Thunderbolt character am I?