What's Your Spirit Animal? | Comments

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  • What's Your Spirit Animal?
    Your Result: Wild Horse

    resultYou're inner spirit is a Wild Horse. You are always free-willed, and when something gets you or your friends down, you cheer yourself and your friends up. You aren't a quitter, you try and try until you get it right. You would prefer to be around other people, but you don't need to be to survive. You are strong, and always loyal no matter what happens to you. Congratulations, I love horses.

  • I'm also a wolf.

  • Wild horse. Totally!

  • You're inner spirit is a Wild Horse. You are always free-willed, and when something gets you or your friends down, you cheer yourself and your friends up. You aren't a quitter, you try and try until you get it right. You would prefer to be around other people, but you don't need to be to survive. You are strong, and always loyal no matter what happens to you. Congratulations, I love horses.

    Yey!! I

  • This says i hav a good memory? Uh BULLSH-T

    I totally
  • Eagle. Good quiz.


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