What's your power symbol? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What's your power symbol?

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  • Squiggle,I am very unique and imaginative I also like being a loner more so than being a extrovert person but I still care for those close to me cool quiz mate.

  • Your power symbol is a heart 86%

    You are patient, kind, and understanding. You are usually friendly and have a warm heart. You are a great friend, and you're always looking for a way you can help out.

    This is true xD

  • Fabulous
    Stunnin g

    All of the above are describes 'bout diz test .

    C ya :*

    jemah jempot
  • I am a star! Does this mean that when I do a spell, I should be in a star shape?

  • This is my result: a squiggle.

    You are unique, and you usually like to be alone. You spend a lot of time thinking about yourself, and, even though many people don't know it, you have a sense of humor.

    Ar e you stalking me, quiz-maker? lol

  • What's your power symbol?
    Your Result: Your power symbol is a circle

    You're talkative, outgoing, and extroverted. You are always looking for new friends, and you already have lots of them. You really enjoy meeting new people, and you're comfortable talking in front of a crowd.

    dead on except i hate tlkin in front of crowds

  • really good quiz! Thanks! Im a circle which sounded just like me. then i got:

    Your power symbol is a star
    Your power symbol is a squiggle
    Your power symbol is a diamond
    Your power symbol is a heart

  • Cool. I'm a circle. Good Quiz.


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