What Nickname Suits Your Personality | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Nickname Suits Your Personality.
"random" names are not and never have been funny or cute.
like if you just want to the comments after the quiz
UH................. ..........
..........Im not even gonna say what I got..
I Got The Same Answer As Helloworld!
i actually like the name smookiekins
I didnt like this quiz, because it said that my "77%" nicknames were...what does it mean by 77%?
*blinks* theres some seriously weird nicknames there.
secret81 -
hey peeps my name is smoochie cuddlekins im hot cute sweet sexy talented and attractive!!! ;*
wth these nicknamess dont even make sense, sounds like a different language
crazygal1 -
This quiz is retarted i hate my nick names myn is the Blody Demon
Tex1 -
ummmm... those r 2 long 2 b nick names! wtf?! i hate this quiz with all the hate in my heart?! any1 hate it 2?!
this quiz dose not even make sense
lol I can't even pronounce my nickname... Its Mooksiecuddlepoo or something like that
i like my cute nickname! GO! SMOOCHIE CUDDLEKINS! woops... sorry about that.... omg! my dads home! bye!
Paper yo-yo?hahahahaha
well that was stupid XD
Nancy3501 -
That was weird.....
by the way it is not true i read it before a long time ago and i never kissed my crush or died so:p
lamya1 -
Um.... odd... unique! But odd.
I HATE THIS QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with sweety pie