What Nickname Suits Your Personality | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Nickname Suits Your Personality.
its ok
Amazed1 -
tell me a nice nick name
Yeah. I agree with HIENZ. What kind of name is "Are"? That's a word not a nickname?
i thought this was funny worn out shoe lace XD good one
this quiz is so cute
Hattie1 -
this test was whack
ashley891 -
Smoochie cuddlekins? Wth?
This Quiz SUCKS! what in the what does this even mean?!
All out wierd. Nickname?! Ur all out weird! WORN OUT SHOELACE?!
Im smoochie culkins too. Cute so cute.
cherrish1 -
Same as ninastar
Isabela123 same here XD
WTF? That was so weird... but kinda funny in a way...
My nickname is Smiley, not however-you-even-sp ell-that-weird-name .
Amay0 -
Smoochie Cuddlekinz xD
Smoochie cuddliekins? REALLY?
i dont like thoughs nicknames they should be way shorter
wow my nicknames are kinda cool....... some of them are not!!!
ummmm...k, but your wrong!!!! my nicknames' are manders,and pamanda have some others' too...XP
manders1 -
isnt the point of a nickname tht its suposed to be short?
loudmaze1 -
go die in a hole
who believes in the you will die sh**
lol, torn-apart-paper yoyo XD i like that one!