What kind of mustache are you?

Mustaches are everywhere and not one is alike but they all grow in the same spot. Find out what kind of mustache you are by taking this fun quiz. Don't take it to heart though. You can always shave it up.

Are you a curly q, a stiffy, or a craaaaazy?? Find out by taking this fun quiz created by this fun kid. Everybody loves a good mustache. Unless you are a stiffy.

Created by: Kya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you are at school/work do you...
  2. Do you get invited to lots of party's?
  3. Do you have many friends?
  4. What would you do at a party?
  5. Do your friends talk to you outside of school/work?
  6. Do people scatter in the hallway when they see you coming??
  7. You throw a party. How many people do you think would show up??
  8. How do you view life?
  9. what is your fave color?
  10. You see someone eating a booger. What do you do???

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Quiz topic: What kind of mustache am I?