Which Architect Are You?

HALLO! Did ever wondered which omega architect of doom you are? Well this is why I made this quiz! Go on and find out if you're mustache man, swedish patato or the man in the chicken costume.

Also, I did this test in limited time so it might be a little bad. And I'm writing this because I need at least 150 characters. I dunno what to write.

Created by: Luna
  1. Soo...how good are you at redstone?
  2. And your building skills?
  3. What's your favorite mob?
  4. There's five shulker boxes in front of you. You have to choose one of them.
  5. Which minigame do you like the most?
  6. Ok so what is your favorite color?
  7. Your friends beat Ender Dragon without you....What are you going to do?
  8. Choose one of the lyrics
  9. Favorite block=
  10. Ok I'm out of quesions, how do you think you are? (This will not effect your answer)

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Quiz topic: Which Architect am I?

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