What If You're a Kid and Zombies Come?

Hey I'm glad you are here I just wanted to make this because I'm a expert I'm not vain but I'm really good every quiz I take is to easy and yeah but you know you should not lie on there's tell the truth because wouldn't you want to know if you TRULEY can survive... I know I would.

So are you gona pass truthfully or not because if your not just go don't pick the one you THINK is best pick the one you think you would do no the one you know you would do.

Created by: molly

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have kids
  2. What kind of house?
  3. Do you have weapons?
  4. Do you have a pool?
  5. Do you have trust in your self and people around you?
  6. Sorry but I have to ask are you fat or naw.
  7. Do you have a boat?
  8. Ok this won't have any affect on your answer do you live neer a mall.
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Can you craft tools?

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