What gun are you?

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What gun are you, It will choose on your personality, sometime it will even choose your favorite! It will choose the perfect gun (Aside from sniper)....

What gun are you, It took me long to make this so please enjoy. i only put 5 guns sorry if i didnt make more and this is my first soooooo yeah. My favorite is Pistol

Created by: Zookio
  1. How long you think guns are really good for?
  2. If enemies are guarding you, What will you do?
  3. If your Teammate is being attacked, What will you do?
  4. If somebody is bullying you, What will you do?
  5. What color?
  6. Did you like this quiz? (No effect)
  7. What do you do on a saturday?
  8. What song genre would you listen
  9. Im hungry what would you eat??
  10. I have 10$ what will i buy?

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Quiz topic: What gun am I?

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