What does your favorite color say about you?

Just choose your favorite color that's all ok. Only choose 1!!! Then I will tell you what your favorite color say about you!!! Enjoy and vote and comment!!

Remember to only choose 1 color, if you want to see multiple answer retake the quiz!!! Remember to vote and comment Okay!!! <3 I hope you enjoy!!!!!!!

Created by: Yoi Morgan
  1. Is your favorite color black?
  2. Is your favorite color white?
  3. Is your favorite color red?
  4. Is your favorite color purple?
  5. Is your favorite color pink?
  6. Is your favorite color orange?
  7. Is your favorite color blue?
  8. Is your favorite color green?
  9. Is your favorite color yellow?
  10. Vote and comment???

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Quiz topic: What does my favorite color say about you?
