What Gamer/YouTuber are you?

This quiz is to test your skills to see how good at gaming you are and if you will be a good YouTuber. This is my first quiz, don't blame me if its short.

So umm I hope you enjoy it and the questions itself. Don't be mad if you get bad results. Its ok so lets get into the quiz Idk ok lets just go sooo yeah.

Created by: JJ the Great
  1. What is one of the most popular games ever?
  2. Who is the best YouTuber ever?
  3. What game is the best out of all of these?
  4. How do you play a survival game?
  5. Who are you considered if your a bully on video games?
  6. Is Youtube better than TikTok?
  7. Minecraft or Roblox?
  8. So in a battle game, what would you have as a primary weapon?
  9. What would you have as a secondary
  10. What will you get?

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Quiz topic: What Gamer/YouTuber am I?
