What Eye Coler Are You?

Pleas have fun tacking my quiz! Let's see if I can get it right!!! Sooooo, please comment *gives cookie*

Sorry if I spelt any thing wrong on the quiz or in description!!! If you like it I'll make another!!! I will give you ice cream!!! Bye bye!

Created by: foxgirl88
  1. Do you love to be with trees?
  2. Are you good with kids?
  3. Wut coler do you like?
  4. Cats or dogs?
  5. Ipad or Iphone?
  6. Do you have boyfriend/girlfriend?
  7. Dark, light, water, or earth?
  8. Sport?
  9. Did you like?
  10. Pleas rate!

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Quiz topic: What Eye Coler am I?