What Does Your MySpace Profile Say About YOU? | Comments

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  • Your Result: You are an "Outgoing" MySpace User


    You are an €outgoing€ MySpace user. You really like MySpace and tend to go just a little bit overboard. You like collecting friends and actually have some people on your list that you don't like and/or don't know. You have many pictures posted of yourself, and you have AT LEAST taken one picture of yourself at some point strictly for the sake of posting on MySpace. There is a pretty good chance that at one point in your MySpace career you have taken the infamous €bathroom mirror€ picture. You like to fill out quizzes and post them in either your profile, blog or bulletins. You send out bulletins at least once every 2 weeks. You also have posted at least one blog. Your profile information is wordy and long winded. You are very outgoing in REAL LIFE, but most likely you are a little self-conscious because you feel you have to prove yourself to the world of cyberspace. You are the outgoing person at the party who does a keg stand and then posts sit on your profile for everyone to see. Watch out €outgoing€ MySpace user. Some people might be getting annoyed with you while others are making fun of you behind your back! Also, keep in mind that future employers could be spying on you, so hurry and erase those pictures of you cross dressing.

    Not even a MySpace user Im just bored


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