What do I draw? Quiz

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Hmmm what should I say.. Ever experienced art block? Ever just wanted to draw things? Do not worry! This (probably) has your needs! Answer the questions to decide what to draw.

What you should worry about is the results being kinda bad. I apologize, but hey, I have art block too, don't blame me. Anyways, have fun creating your next artwork! (if you have the results you want I guess.)

Created by: Renze of My YT!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you often draw?
  2. Do you consider yourself as good at drawing
  3. Do you consider yourself to be creative?
  4. Do you like to draw with others? (Siblings, Friends, etc.)
  5. Do you like showing your artwork to others?
  6. What aspect of a person is the hardest for you to draw?
  7. What do you think is the hardest to draw overall?
  8. What type of art do you make?
  9. How are you feeling right now?
  10. This is the last question. What are you interested in?

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