What Will Your Warrior Cat Be?

I hope this quiz might draw you to read warrior cats ifu havent already or maybe draw you to create a fan fiction about warrior cats btw my cat was duskfeather.

In this quiz find out what warrior you would be and what your fate will become father mother or leader? Take this quiz to find out!!! And if you don't like you answer I am sorry maybe you dident answer truly.

Created by: laurn

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does your cat look like?
  2. What clan are you in?
  3. What is you idele number of kits if you are tom cat imagine this as you are father?
  4. What is your eye colour?
  5. How were you brought to your clan?
  6. What do you want you kit to grow up into?
  7. Who is your enemy?
  8. If you could re choose what you became what would it be.
  9. What would you warrior name be?
  10. Do you think you were completely honest on your awnsers this and the age question don't effect your awnsers?

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Quiz topic: What will Ir Warrior Cat Be?