What character from a classic novel are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What character from a classic novel are you?

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  • Alice

    You are the little girl from ALICE IN WONDERLAND by Lewis Carrol. You are curious, sensitive, smart, and peppy. You love to try new things and are very down-to-earth and likeable.

    a lot of people say I'm like her,I guess I am!oh and juicy,STOP THE TEDDY THING IT'S STUPUD.thx for the quiz!!

  • What character from a classic novel are you? Your Result: DraculaYou are most like the vampire from the novel DRACULA by Bram Stoker. You are sly and tricky, and have a very cold personality most of the time. But people appreciate you for your intelligence and mysteriousness.Oliv er TwistTom SawyerMowgliAnne ShirleyAliceWhat character from a classic novel are you?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

  • You shouldn't be worried about Teddy or whomever, chain-letterers, what you should be worried about is me. One of these days I intend to round up an angry mob and lynch you all.

    E Lunatic
  • Anne Shirley... I guess so, pretty good.

    I like music
  • I dunno about anne, i'm not real talkative


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