Warrior cats love story part one! She cats only

I really hope you like this quiz. this is my first quiz ever! You do not need to read this I just need to fill carecters. I will make many more quizzes I hope you like it! Have fun!

Hi I hope you like my quizzes I love making them please comment and rate I love this! Skeal! Sorry I am kind of wire don’t read this’ll make it to stop and a few minutes ago but I’m going back to hj

Created by: Dawnsky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Ok do really want to do this quiz? ( me: this is my first quiz please do not judge me)
  2. You are a tiny kit of 2 moons old. Your littermate is leafkit ( female ) and denmates are nightkit barkkit ( both toms ) you can choose a name. Barkkit pads over to you, hi ( y/n ) do you want to play mossball? You answer:
  3. Whatever you chose, your mother said yes, the exercise is good for you. Nightkit comes too.
  4. Skip ahead to four moons later. You can’t sit still while your mother licks you. Your going to be a paw! (Sorry I don’t know how to spell the other word) finally your leader, fernstar announces: let all cats old enough to catch there own prey gather beneath the great rock for a clan meeting! As the cats gathered fernstar started to speak. Today we have four new ‘paws’ ( you, leafkit, barkkit and nightkit) she ( your leader ) thouched her nose to each of you in turn. Dawnpaw leafpaw barkpaw ( he is medicine cat ) nightpaw! Your clan mates cried.
  5. When you are out with your mentor a badger attacks you! You:
  6. It seems like the badger is winning, when a black bolt comes in front of you. It’s nightpaw! At the sixth of a third attacker, the badger runs off. Nightpaw turns around. He reaches out and licks your ear. You:
  7. During the rest of the hunt you catch a squirrel and a hare. Nightpaw congratulates you and offers to share. you:
  8. Then you go to sleep. The next morning you wake to screaming, it’s...
  9. Should I tell you?!
  10. Cliffhanger!!!

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