Warrior Cat Love Story (THE BEST ONE EVER!!! ;))

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You ready for the ultimate warrior cats love story? It is the true journey to discover your ideal lover from the Warriors series, (well cats based off of warriors.)

Who do you think is your match? Are you a fan of the shy and sweet or the hot and mysterious? Here you can discover what warrior cat would be your perfect match!

Created by: Erin Winter

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You wake up to see your mother's concerned blue eyes peering into yours. "You opened your eyes!" she exclaimed delightedly. As she nuzzles your cheek, you stare around the nursery wide-eyed. It's so big! That's when you see a pair of eyes staring at you. Gulping, you squirm to hide behind your mother. "Don't be shy," she mrrows. "It's just Firekit." Firekit approaches you, his chin high and his golden fur sleek. His muscles ripple under his pelt. "It's good that you've opened your eyes. We need more kits in our Clan." You think...
  2. It turns out Firekit just wanted a new kit to play moss-ball with. "It's Darkkit and Lightningkit's warrior ceremony today! All the kits are excited! I think I'm going to be Clan leader though!" He puffs out his chest as he leads you to a pair of toms. "This is Darkkit and Lightningkit," he meows. Lightningkit looks you over and sniffs. "You're hardly more than a kit!" Darkkit doesn't even bother looking. He turns his back and grooms his dark pelt. His green eyes narrow as he glances at you and then keeps washing. Firekit leads you away. "They were friendly," you grumble. "Yeah, they're not very nice," sighed Firekit. "But they'll become more noble when they become warriors." You think...
  3. Before you know it, it's time for the ceremony. Firekit introduces you to his brothers, Wavekit and Leafkit and Meadowstream's kit Sunkit. Lightningkit's eyes glow with excitement as he bounds into the clearing. Darkkit follows on his heels. Leafkit gives you a nervous smile and hides behind his mother Ferntail. Wavekit pats him reassuringly as Sunkit rolls his eyes and cracks a joke. You sit with...
  4. No matter who you sat with, your mother ushers you towards her and your sister Lilykit. Sighing, you pad to your mother. Lilykit whispers in your ear, "Hey, _______. That big scary apprentice is looking at you again." You gaze up to see Darkkit's green eyes boring into yours. As he sees you looking up he curls his lip and looks away defiantly. You think...
  5. Before you know it, they're apprentices; Darkpaw and Lightningpaw! As you head back to the nursery, you see Lightningpaw looking at you. "What?" he snarls as you stare at him. You shrug. "Hey," he softens his gaze. "I can teach you some, uh, hunting moves sometime if you want now that I'm an apprentice!" "Can you just leave me alone, you jerk?" You lash your tail. Lightningpaw looks away. He tries to hide it but his tail droops as he pads away from you. You...
  6. Before you realize it, Firepaw, Sunpaw, Leafpaw, and Wavepaw are apprentices too! You're all alone with Lilykit, but she's so boring! All she likes doing is gathering herbs! You decide to...
  7. Your leader finally made you an apprentice! Unfortunately, Lilypaw became a medicine cat? Why would she rather be gathering herbs than...
  8. As you're training, the newly made warrior Fireclaw appears next to you. "I was wondering if you wanted to go hunting with me. I'm short of company since Stemleap and Mosspool are sick with greencough." You...
  9. As you go on border patrol with your mentor a fox leaps out of nowhere. It bowls you over. You scream...
  10. Lightningpelt knocks over the fox and bites it fiercely. The fox yelps and dashes away. He sneers after it. Fireclaw's fur bristles as Lightningpelt brushes his pelt against yours. You...
  11. Your Clan leader decides to make you a warrior because you were brave in fighting the fox! Leafheart stumbles up to you blushing. "I'm glad we can train together now," he smiles. Was he always this handsome? He smells like lilac. Fireclaw, Lightningpelt, Wavepelt, Darkstorm, and Sunfur are glaring at Leafheart. He smiles at you, his whiskers twitching for an answer. You say,
  12. The leader just assigned you to your first battle against the rats. All your denmates are on the battle patrol. You say,
  13. You're assigned with Wavepelt's patrol. He is known as the smartest cat in the whole Clan. He brushes his pelt against yours. "You're intelligent, would you like to help me with the Master Plan?" He flicks his tail towards the top of the pile. "We're going to flush these rats out. What do you think?"
  14. "Sunfur," Wavepelt says. "You join us on top of the rat pile." Wavefur moves away to organize Pineclaw and Willowroot. Sunfur imitates Wavepelt. "Hi, I am so smart because I am Wavepelt. Watch me use big complicated words." You...
  15. You fight bravely and all the toms aid you. At the end, bleeding from a wound in his shoulder, Darkstorm calls you over to the woods. He shuffles his paws, embarrassed. "Okay, so I have a confession to make. Well, we do." Your other five suitors emerge from behind five tall trees. "We all kinda like you. A lot." Sunfur nods vigorously. "So, first we have some questions for you." Fireclaw steps forward. "What is the most important thing in a mate?"
  16. "Who do you want? Let's get to the point!" Lightningpelt grumbles impatiently. "First," you meow, "Identify yourself in a nutshell please." "I'm loyal and strong." : Fireclaw "I'm ambitious and tough." :Lightningpelt "I'm kind and sweet and shy." : Leafheart "I'm clever and cute.": Wavepelt "NOT cute!": Darkstorm "Shut up." : Wavepelt "I'm funny and carefree.' :Sunfur "A little too carefree." : Wavepelt "Just be quiet." :Sunfur "And I'm mysterious, cool, and inwardly kind." :Darkstorm ALL: So who do you want???

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