Users I look up to and/or admire

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Hey. Sorry in advance if I didn't mention you, but I'm glad you at least took your time to click on this quiz. It means alot to me. I don't talk much.

I'm an introvert and have trouble getting out of my shell especially If I think someone doesn't know me and in most cases people don't know me. So yeah

Created by: Eggaly
  1. First off is spice. I admire and look up to spice because she makes friends so seamlessly and she's good at talking to people, she's mentally strong and good at being neutral in fights but also good at standing up for others
  2. Secondly Cats. I really admire how fearless you are, you're not afraid to speak your mind or be yourself and I admire you so much for it.
  3. Third is road. I look up to you and I consider you my favorite mod
  4. Fourth is dragon. I admire and look up to you because you're smart and beautiful inside and out, you were one of my first friends in gtq and I've never forgotten you or how great you are
  5. Fifth is pepper. She might not ever be able to read this, but she means alot to me so I have to mention her. I look up to and admire her so much. She was the person who introduced me to the site and she stood by my side no matter what stupid battle I was in and she stood by me in real life too I never want her to see me as broken but as long as she's still happy I won't matter even if she abandons me forever
  6. I look up to all of the mods for creating order on the site and keeping every user safe
  7. I look up to Neon Specter/ pag you're such a brilliant writer and funny person. I'm happy to be able to consider you my friend
  8. I look up to nix, they're so smart and creative. Not only are you good at drawing but also writing
  9. Mika I admire you just because. You're my favorite otaku on the website, keep being great.
  10. To anyone I didn't mention I'm sorry. I'm not super close with most of you so I don't often know what to say and I don't talk much out of my thread, but whoever you are I hope we can talk and become friends

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