How Well Do You Know Azita

Lately, I have noticed that people that don't really know me seem to go around stating that they do! A lof of them Talk s--- but most of them just out of their ASS! Let's see how well you know Me...The Real Azita?

The answsers are given at the end. This will be a fun way to see which of my friends know me and which just think they do! Good Luck to all of you and thanks in advance for participating!

Created by: Azita of MySpace
(your link here more info)
  1. What is my Ethnicity?
  2. I had a cat for over 10 years that I loved...what was the cat's name?
  3. What college did I get my Undergrad Degree in?
  4. What National Sorority was I in?
  5. I have my Graduate degree in what?
  6. I cheated and got caught while with which boyfriend?
  7. What is my favorite Soda
  8. Am I a night owl or Morning Person
  9. What musical did I play in when I was 18?
  10. What sport did I participate in from age 12-17?
  11. What is my favorite pizza?
  12. What is my favorite Alcoholic Beverage?
  13. What is my favorite pass time?
  14. How many brothers and sisters do I have (biological)

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Azita