Unforgotten Secrets Part 3 | Comments

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  • really alex REALLY?!? NOW YOU COME?!? wow[no urls] i really don't wanna forgive him yet but i wanna hear what he has to say. i wonder if dannica's characters will meet cometlight's characters....that would be so interesting and just plain AWESOME!!! ^.^

  • This was amaze you amaze. Anyway loved it a lot!! But I don't really know if I like Ash. But as a friend he is cool. Anyway, wow I have to stop with the anyways. Okay NEXT YOU ROCK!! What you do, I am feeling so loved today. My class missed me Because I was gone for three days but I wanted to punch most of them in the face!! Sorry for over sharing l. NEXT PART! PLEASE GET IT OUT SOONA

  • i really love this series and your other series separate :) I just made an account because i really wanted to comment so yeah haha


    Sarah, why do you always do that why can't you just tell us?! D: I agree with @WeWereInfinite (love that book btw it changed me okay) Jayden is probably going to screw up bc he's cute like that xP

    and i want confinement part 14 now dannica, just letting you know and I also want Part 26 of TUAU

  • I don't think Jayden and Alex would be able to withstand each other over coffee xD

    I don't know, I just don't see them getting along :/ I could see Jayden and Christofer be like, best friends though, but it would be cute if Jayden and Alex had a bromance AND THEN JAYDEN STARTED LIKING _____ TOO MUCH DRAMA

    lol but yeah part 4 please :)

  • Alex :) You're back baby. I think he got kidnapped or something idk. Let's play hard to get >:D Wait, I think Alex met Jayden or something over coffee xD Looking at Ash and Cole with their love birds makes me so warm inside :) And jealous because Alex isn't here to kiss me goodnight or something. Nex+Oath=Oax. I hate that. I really like this mash up and it will probably be the most exciting thing ever when the action gets going. I dun think I submitted. Going back to submit now :3 ....Now I'm reminded of school. And now I'm checking my calendar and counting down the days. WHHHYYYYYY? But I kinda miss it. My friends and such. I've had way too many pool parties :x It's not even funny anymore. Part 4 :)

  • ALEX!!!

    Okay, I am in no position in my mind right now to forgive him. No siree! But I don't know, really. I mean, let's see what he has to say first, you know?

    And I love Omar HAHA and Jayden is bound to screw up somewhere, and Aaron, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

    & Oath just needs to stop okay this is like the third time he's tried killing _____ and it's really getting annoying Oath you just need to die and stay that way, k?

  • NO you stop at all the good parts! Dx I want part 4 now... like now... I'm trying so hard not to forgive Alex for his horrible time judgement, and I want to know if his picnic is really worth those hours, so I need part 4... then I want to know what Aaron's up to, so I need part 4... then it seems like the mashing-up is coming up soon, so I need part 4... so... I need part 4! Quite obviously, you've got me hooked :P I love this, but it's impossible not to! So part 4 soon please ^^ (did I say that already? ;P)


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