Ultimate Jurassic Park Quiz

There are many people who think they are experts on Jurassic park. They boast, saying what is going to happen next, when you don't want them to tell you.

Are You an expert on Jurassic Park? Do you have the brains to help you achieve that title. You may only wonder if you are. But because of this great quiz, in a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: kieran of kezgames
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many movies have there been as of 2007?
  2. What is the actor's name who plays John Hammond?
  3. How many children were there in the first movie?
  4. How many T.rexes have there been through the three movies?
  5. Name the palaeontologist who is played by Sam Neill?
  6. What is the first dinosaur seen in the movie?
  7. What does John Hammond say, when the first see the dinosaurs in the park?
  8. What is the full name of the dinosaur that kills the T.rex in the third movie?
  9. What is the kid's names in the first movie?
  10. What dinosaurs are represented on the logos for the movies?

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