True or False? (T or F about me)

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Well! This is a True or False quiz about me. There is only one correct answer to each question, so think carefully before you answer. GLHF. Hope you'll come out alive.

Okay, the last line of the first paragraph was unnecessarily cryptic. What I meant to say was: Hope you have fun. Right? Anyway… you’re on your own now.

Created by: MarshMellowy
  1. I’m agoraphobic. True or False?
  2. I’m depressed. (Self-diagnosis)
  3. I am non-binary. True or False?
  4. I'm lesbian, true or false?
  5. I am straight, true or false?
  6. I am part Japanese, T or F?
  7. I am part Korean, true or false?
  8. I don’t like tacos, T or F?
  9. What genre does my main’s pfp depict? (It’s the picture for the quiz, at the top.) This is not a T or F but I figured I’d include it.
  10. I am male, T or F?
  11. I am autistic.
  12. This is one of my alternate accounts, or alts.

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