To Aria, HogwartsLove and everyone who is down today. | Comments

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  • I'm awfully random ! LOL

  • I'm awfully random ! LOL

  • I'm awfully random ! LOL

  • @spy queen- have patience young one! Dumbledore says natuhleegayle will post it up soon ! Haha, dumbledore eats buggers ! Umbridge is a load of poop! Did I say that out loud? Oh WELLL!

  • Lllllllllllooo ooooovvvvvvvvvveeee eee your quizzes hurry up and make 35

    spy queen
  • *rounds of applause from the gryffindors, ravenclaws, hufflepuffs and THE SLYTHERINS!* I didn't know the slytherins could be nice but that's because you're the extremely sweet one to make a quiz here to cheer EVERYONE up! You are a intelligent person and I love your awkwardness. Wait, what is that green stuff beside me? It's GREEN SOUR SKITTLES IVE BEEN SAVING IN A JAR TO THROW IN THE AIR LIKE FIREWORKS! Wait for me to get to the roof. Ah..I'm here and I'm throwing it in the air! That reminds me of this song *I whip my hair back and forth* Haha! I'm feeling hyper! WOOHOO! Where is Oliver (Oliver: Right here) Darn it wood, when are you gonna propose? (Oliver: It's all up to HogwartsLove) You see why we need HogwartsLove? She's amazing! Heck, everyone is amazing in their own way! I like sparkles but I don't like VAMPIRES that sparkle, LOL. I love your writing for a thousand years, and I'll love it for a thousand more, HogwartsLove because Colours and Promises you made to us readers AREN'T meant to be broken. Speaking of broken, sticks and stone could break your bones, chains and whips might excite you but negative words could be flushed down a toilet, more specifically, Moaning Myrtle'll do it for you! You can't leave us, hanging there on nothing but a thread. Who possesed you because I think it's time that you take off that locket, cuz I can't even look in your eyes, we all agreed this wouldn't come(yeah, come instead of wouldn't) easy and now we're going nowhere in time And I know it's been Such a long time since we've just been friends but we have to do this together.Don't leave us. Now we know even the greatest of heroes have their moments of compromise

    But in the end, we choose how we write And we need you here right by our side because you're amazing just the way you are and when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while cuz you're amazing just the way you are! HogwartsLove, you're wonderful!

  • awwww, you're such a sweet person! Yeah, everyone has been feeling down recently, I notice it on the comments of quizzes. I've been down because I'm stressed about my classes next year, and that I feel like I haven't been doing a great job on my quizzes. But reading stuff like this just makes me smile. By the way, I totally get what you say bye the homework problem; I've got a ton of stuff to do before tomorrow, so I really shouldn't even be on gtq. Thanks for posting this though!


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