UK Political Spectrum Quiz

This quiz generally focuses on economic issues affecting the UK today and it is not perfect, so the results may not align with what you consider yourself to be. It may be expanded and edited in the future.

Please leave feedback on twitter if you feel the quiz could do with some work. There is a mash of topics involved in the quiz and they are in a scrambled order.

Created by: Tree
  1. Was Boris Johnson a good Prime Minister?
  2. Do you support Public Sector Strikes such as those led by the RCN?
  3. Do you support strikes in the transport sector such as those led by the RMT?
  4. The UK Tax Burden is...
  5. Who benefited the UK more?
  6. Migration to the UK should be...
  7. HS2 should be completed
  8. Is there a significant gap in opportunity in the country between the richest and poorest
  9. Should the UK remain in Nato?
  10. Should the UK retain it's nuclear deterrent?
  11. Should University Tuition fees be scrapped?
  12. Which of these historical political figures do you most closely align with on the issue of POLITICAL IDEOLOGY?
  13. In a hypothetical US Presidential election where these seven candidates had an equal chance of winning, who would you support?
  14. Are you in favour of relaxing Green Belt regulations to build more housing and/or infrastructure like railways?
  15. Did New Labour go too far with regards to their perceived authoritarianism?
  16. Do you support the EXPANSION of the ULEZ zone in London?
  17. With regards to Net Zero, the UK should...

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