Which Dutch Political Party Are You!

Heya! Idk what I'm supposed to put here but it's forcing me to write this so uhh.. This is just a quiz about which Dutch political party you most align with!

It's based on some of the most important Dutch political questions: healthcare, childcare, EU, referenda, drugs, decentralisation, housing, farmers and fireworks.

Created by: Sappho
  1. What're your thoughts on childcare?
  2. Should the Netherlands leave the EU?
  3. What do you think about healthcare?
  4. Should we implement an option for citizens to call a referendum?
  5. DRUGS
  6. Who should decide where new residential areas should be built?
  7. What about the issues regarding farmers?
  8. What do u think about fireworks?
  9. What're your thoughts on privacy!
  10. And last but not least, immigration

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Quiz topic: Which Dutch Political Party am I!
