TheRecklessbam and xxbluntixx | Comments

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  • I would have to say Jack and Josh :) Definitely Jack tough :P

  • That sounds really cool what you're doing. A mashup would definitley get more viewers. Plus a bunch of new ideas. That's all.

  • My comment was erased! Argh....I think that Alex should definitely be in it. Without him, there's no fun and sexiness. You agree with me? I also think that Josh should be in it, he's sorta like a leader right? He is just perfect but then again...I'm just so torn...Haha, you know that song one direction sang over? Nothing's fine, I'm torn, you're a little late and I'm already torn...xD Anyway....I have one more (: I want Jack too but then that'll make it three. Why do you have to make everything so difficult? :P But ily anyways XD I'm just so confused atm, I dunno who to choose. I already know you HAVE to have Alex in it! It's a MUST!

  • Um... um... I would have to say Jack, and Jake. Maybe Calisto. Um... um... that's all I got...

  • So, I'm assuming that Kris and Patch are already going to be in the story. I want Josh and Calisto to join them. :)

  • Honestly, this is too much for me to choose. I love both of your characters and it's hard for me to chose. You know you have to have Alex right? He's the fun guy and without him in the series, idk how imma survive. This is just like when Teenage Chronicle starting all over, choosing guys D: Sinc Patch is already chosen, I'll choose someone else again. Um...I have two more characters, forgive me. I NEED Jake in the series and also Josh. Without Josh in your series, I'll be completely lost. Oh don't forget Ezra! =P I am probably on the verge of weirdness atm but idc. So um...yeah, josh, jake and alex. Please please please put alex (:

  • Calisto and Jack please :D I also want Adam because I really liked him in the beginning of Teenage Chronicle but he faded out during the end :( AGH I'm so conflicted xD I guess Calisto and Jack then.

  • @booknerd224 patch is already chosen because he's so loved :b

    so don't worry (:

  • Justin and Calisto.No Patch? :'(


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