The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 21 | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Unforgiven and Unforgotten part 21.

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  • I would probably forgive him but there would be a small chance that I wouldn't. Anyway I LOVED it and can't wait for part 22

  • Hurry up and make part 22

  • daaaanngg! intense stuff...i would have forgiven delgado because he was lying to protect me there is a lot of different lies in the world and most of them are bad but when you get one that has pure intentions like to protect someone then they should he forgiven besides as soon as he started crying i probably would have forgiven him...i cant stand to see anyone cry. btw i really like how you used the title oh and make the next one sooon!

  • NEXT PART, NOW!!!! XD and yes I would been able to forgiven Delgado because he was only lying to protect me. Awesome part, and you should totally make a part where there is more time with Jayden or so we can know about his past. :P

  • I love how you incorporated the title... it was memorable and will not go unforgotten ;P I would've forgiven Delgado because, as PuffBall said, we all have secrets and we all lie. It would be hypocritical of me not to, and I don't like being hypocritical... but that always happens too >.> Anyway, like the 3 people below me, I agree, another amazing addition to the series, and it's getting pretty intense... part 22!

  • I would probably forgive Delgado... And awesome series! Cant wait for the next part

  • 1: Yes, i would have forgiven Delgado. We all keep secrets and we all lie. Isn't that a part of a point in life. If you haven't done it, you will also. Mistakes have their concicuences and we learn. We should look down the future. Every human doesn't like to face the truth. Human or not, its the same. For example: The poor Galileo. 2: YOU JUST HAD TO END IT THE BLOODY THERE!!! UGH! 3: this is going to go into a more intence series right? 4: i agree with elf maiden. I am a forgiver myself... ugh a curse as well. 5: *dances* DANCE PARTY! COME ON PEOPLE LETS GET OUR MIND OFF THIS BEAUTIFUL SERIES SO WE WON'T GREED OVER HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE FOR PART 22!!!!!! 6: oh my god beccy you fainted!!!!!!!!!! 7: oh yes and have a nice day/ night/ whatever! ugh sunday.. *puppy dog eyes* does it have to be SUNDAY!

  • I would most likely forgive him because that's the sort of person I am. Also because we all have secrets and tell lies to keep them secrets. I do it everyday. Finally: YOU MUST MAKE PART 22 ASAP!!!!

    elf maiden

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