The Ultimate "What type of Libertarian" Quiz.

There are many rooms in the grand house of libertarianism, and each one has its own economic, social, philosophical, and ethical values. I've divided libertarianism into ten categories: Classical Liberals, Anarcho-Capitalists, Paleolibertarians, Austrian Consequentialists, Individualist Libertarians, Bleeding Heart Libertarians, Conservatarians, Nozickian Minarchists, Post-Libertarians/Neoreactionaries, and Libertarian Market Socialist Anarchists/Individualist Anarchists.

This quiz will hopefully give you some insight into what kind of libertarian you really are; read the questions carefully and take care to answer what you really think, not what is the simple ideological auto-response to a question. Please give me feedback, and follow my Instagram, @1689movement.

Created by: 1689Movement of 1689Movement Instagram
(your link here more info)
  1. Capitalism is fundamentally...
  2. What is your pragmatic view on the role of government? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question.)
  3. What is your pragmatic view on the role of government? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the previous question.)
  4. The Federal Reserve currently
  5. Libertarians are divided on education, specifically on primary and secondary schooling. Schools...
  6. The environment is another divisive issue for libertarians. We're talking pollution here, not land preservation. What should government do about pollution?
  7. Now for welfare. Though it's been included earlier in this quiz, this question focuses on the reason why or why not. This question deals with the SHORT RUN; it would be very hard for a president to get rid of all welfare at once, and so, this question presupposes some kind of welfare state. What type of welfare, given that there has to be something in the short run, should the government give and why?
  8. The last of these big, dividing issues: the macro-economy itself. Let's say there is a recession: Keynesian economics dictates an increase in government spending and an increase in the money supply, to increase consumption. What should the government do? (Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question)
  9. The last of these big, dividing issues: the macro-economy itself. Let's say there is a recession: Keynesian economics dictates an increase in government spending and an increase in the money supply, to increase consumption. What should the government do? (Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the previous question)
  10. What is the most important issue facing the U.S. right now? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question.)
  11. What is the most important issue facing the U.S. right now? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question.)
  12. What is your ideal role of the federal government?
  13. How about your ideal state government(s)?
  14. Now, your ideal community. This is the most strongly differentiated amongst ideologies; think of these as sales pitches from communities to live in, and decide which one you like best.
  15. What is government justified in doing?
  16. What about markets? When are they good/why are they good?
  17. What about banks and the FDIC?
  18. Physical Removal? Why or why not?
  19. Immigration: Open Borders or Closed Borders? Assume government.
  20. What about the problem of illegal immigrants?
  21. On Muslims/Islam? (Non-political question)
  22. Does the government have the right to intervene when there is a humanitarian crisis? (i.e., should intervention occur against genocide or another morally reprehensible event)
  23. Should monopolies and trusts be regulated?
  24. Fascism...
  25. Children...
  26. Which of these economists is the best?
  27. What are your personal opinions on racism and ethnic issues?
  28. What about Feminism?
  29. Which political theorist/philosopher is your favorite, or rather, most greatly influenced your views? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question)
  30. Which political theorist/philosopher is your favorite, or rather, most greatly influenced your views? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the previous question)
  31. Who will/would you vote for this election season (2016, U.S.A. Presidential)
  32. Which best describes your pattern of political support? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question.)
  33. Which best describes your pattern of political support? (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the previous question.)
  34. The U.S. Constitution... (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the next question.)
  35. The U.S. Constitution... (This is a two-part question. Answer "none of these" if your preferred choice is in the previous question.)
  36. Nationalism or Globalism?
  37. Which economic school is best?
  38. Should government control public goods (goods that are non-rival and non-excludable, like national defense and lighthouses)?
  39. Should the government intervene to help the poor, ideally?
  40. Should sex work be federally legalized?
  41. Should licensing (i.e., for Medicine, universities, businesses, restaurants, etc.) exist?
  42. The Great Recession of 2007-2009 was caused by...
  43. A Gold Standard...
  44. Libertarianism is on...
  45. Abortion...
  46. Which educator/institution has been most influential to you/is closest to your views?
  47. Final Question: Which type of libertarian do you most identify with? (Two-part question; you know the drill by now.)
  48. Final Question: Which type of libertarian do you most identify with? (Two-part question; you know the drill by now.)

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