The ULTIMATE Warrior Cat Love Story Part 2

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With interesting characters, adventurous plots, and shocking betrayals -- and 6 lovable toms, this quiz dives into the density of you and your mate! This is Part 2!

Hi everyone! I created this quiz for she-cats who want to find out their true destiny -- with a mate. Tell me what you think after you do it! Hope you enjoy! Of course, if you're a tom, you can do it too, just flip the genders of each cat. Main info: You are an apprentice of BlazeClan, the other Clans are: BirchClan, ShoreClan, and DuskClan. BirchClan has meadows like WindClan, DuskClan is dark with caves and pine trees, and ShoreClan is like RiverClan. That leaves BlazeClan, which is similar to ThunderClan. I'm using the setting of the lake, but it's a bit different. Enjoy!

Created by: JaysWingHalfMoon
  1. Okay, guys. First of all, you should probably do the first quiz: "The ULTIMATE Warrior Cat Love Story Part 1". I hope you enjoy. Please select your result the last quiz:
  2. (If in the previous quiz you jerked away or stayed frozen with Thornpaw, do this question. If not, skip it.) The rogue's warm breath stirred your fur. He finally broke the awkward silence, "What's your name?" "___paw," you answer. "Nice. Mine is Ice." You remember how bravely he fought off Thornpaw. Then a sudden thought comes to you... "Ice... do you want to join BlazeClan?" He stares at you. "BlazeClan? But the Clans only allow the best of the best to join them." "Well, I might be able to convince them to let you join." "You would do that for me?" He asked you, astonished. "Well, you did save my life, so..." His frosty blue eyes darkened. "Who was that treacherous cat attacking you?" "Thornpaw. He wasn't trying to attack me at first, but.." "What happened?" "He said that he loved me... and that he would kill me if I didn't love him back." Ice looked worried, "Are you sure you're okay?" "Yes," you answer. "I have to go, my Clanmates are waiting for me." you tell him urgently. As you stand up to leave, he jumps to his paws. You turn toward him again. "___paw," he whispered, "I'll protect you from Thornpaw."
  3. (If in the previous quiz you licked Thornpaw back, answer this question. If not, skip it.) (Let's just assume that when he asked you if you loved him, you said yes. If you don't like Thornpaw, then just do the question before this instead.) He smiled and thrust his muzzle into yours. He covered your face in licks for a long time. Then he moved down and started licking your belly fur. As he bent his muzzle to lick you again, you lick his muzzle before he can lick you. "___paw," he murmurs. "Want to have kits together?"
  4. You fling open your eyes to see Flamepaw leaning over you. "Come on, ___paw! It's time for battle training! Swiftpaw, Thornpaw, and Lilypaw (your sister) are waiting!" You jump to your paws and head outside. Willowclaw, Duskfur, Fawndust, and Stoneheart (Lilypaw's mentor) were talking. "First you need to put your paws like this," he meowed while demonstrating, "And then you need to jump!" He leaped into the air, twisting mid-jump. Positioning himself, he landed squarely on Duskfur's shoulders. Willowclaw got to her paws, "Get into pairs to practice this a few times. Once you've got it down, we can do a fun competition." You look around the clearing. Thornpaw, Swiftpaw, and Flamepaw were all looking at you. Who do you choose to be your partner?
  5. Whoever you want to choose, you take too long to decide, and Willowclaw interrupts, "If you guys can't choose, then I'll do it for you. Swiftpaw and Lilypaw, Flamepaw and Thornpaw, and oh -- we have an odd number. ___paw, why don't you practice with me?" You nod, disappointed. Willowclaw and you practiced while the other mentors watched over their apprentices. Boredom faded over you, so you decided to look around. Thornpaw and Flamepaw already had the move mastered, while Swiftpaw and Lilypaw had some trouble. You could hear your sister snapping at him, "Wow, Swiftpaw, excellent move! You're the strongest cat I've ever met!" You could see her comments making Swiftpaw uneasy, and he kept glancing toward you to see if you were watching. Swiftpaw got in position to jump, and he sprang into the air. Just as he was about to land on Lilypaw's back, she turned around and pointed her muzzle upward. Swiftpaw scrabbled in the air, and landed with his muzzle pressed against Lilypaw's. "Ah! Oh, um, next time can you not move?" he mumbled, stepping away embarrassed. She scooted closer and licked his cheek. "Why, you cute fluff-ball?" she murmured. Swiftpaw blushed, backing away.
  6. (You finish training, and it's now time for the competition.) Duskfur was explaining what to do, "First, we'll split into two groups. Thornpaw, ___paw, and Flamepaw on one, and the other with Lilypaw and Swiftpaw. Me, Willowclaw, Fawndust, and Stoneheart will be judging you. Your task is to hunt and catch as much prey as possible." You taste the air and scent rabbit. *Perfect!* "3...2...1, go!" Swiftpaw and Lilypaw dashed off together, speeding ahead of the others. *What did she say to make him like her?*, you think as they ran away, pelts brushing. Thornpaw and Flamepaw bounded after them, and you followed. Your paws fly off the ground, and you push off with each step. Thornpaw turns heads a different way, toward a mouse scuttling beneath a tree. You and Flamepaw are left, chasing the rabbit. As it comes into view, you see that there are actually two. *Perfect!* you think, *Twice the prey in one catch!* You're about to go hunt them, when Flamepaw blocks you with his tail. "Look," he whispers. You turn and see that they're grooming each other's fur. Flamepaw keeps watching them, "They're mating! We can't hunt them!" You:
  7. (No matter what you choose, you end up listening to him. The two of you then split up, so you're now hunting by yourself.) As you start to run, you taste the air for prey. You hear the roar of the thunderpath. Skidding to halt, you look down. Your paw-pads get poked by the rough stone. You turn to see a monster speeding towards you. There wasn't enough time to run, so you closed your eyes, praying to StarClan that you don't die. Something knocked you over, driving the breath from your lungs. *Is it over?*, you think, *Am I in StarClan?* You open your eyes, and see a moor, heather spreading across it. *Huh?* A white and gray figure blurred at the edge of your vision. "It's okay," a voice murmured. "I've got you..."
  8. You feel the cat lift you up onto your paws. "Hi," he whispers, "Um...since you're awake, I guess you can go back to your territory." You look up. A white tom with gray patches was at your side. "Huh?" you ask. As you look around, you see the moor and meadows of BirchClan. "I saved you from the monster on the thunderpath," he explains, "I pushed you off before it reached us... and I pushed you onto my territory." You hear the thrumming of paw-steps approaching. "Oh no, a patrol! Hurry, go back to your Clan!" he urges, nudging you to your paws. The shock of almost getting hit by the thunderpath was still on you. By the time you got to your paws, the patrol was here. A large dark brown tabby was growling, "Are you two meeting each other? That's against the warrior code!" A pretty silver and blue she-cat stepped forward, hurt in her eyes, "Of all cats, Adderstrike, why did it have to be you, my mate, who breaks our noble code?"Adderstrike's fur slightly brushed yours defensively. "You're not my mate," he growled at the she-cat, blushing. "Just because we might be, doesn't mean we already are." His pale green eyes met your's. You think:
  9. The patrol then lets Adderstrike escort you back to the border. As you reached the edge of the thunderpath, you look over your shoulder. The roar of the monsters seemed to be on top of you. "Adderstrike... will you cross with me?" you ask hesitantly. He looks surprised, but happy. "Of course. I won't let you get hit by the monsters. What's your name by the way?" "___paw," you answer. As the two of you run across the thunderpath, the noise seems to fade away. When you reach the other side, you dip your head. "Thanks for saving me, Adderstrike." He nods in reply. As you are about to go, he ask you, "You'll come to the next gathering, won't you? I'll be there to say hi." You nod and head off to your Clan. Glancing back, you see him smiling at you, and waving his tail goodbye.
  10. When you head back to camp, you see the other cats gathered beneath the Highledge. Ripplestar was urgently announcing something... CLIFFHANGER!!! (I'm really sorry.)
  11. Bye everybody! I hope you like my quiz! Stay tuned for Part 3!

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