The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate.
I’m a female. 5’5 ft. I’m 17. I’m 340 lbs. I’m a considered a little overweight? I haven’t been to the doctor for a while. Please help.
You are over twice the average weight. This means you are considered hyper obese. You need to lose 195 pounds to become average again
im 13 5'2 and a girl im 89lbs says im perfect idk i have a bit of extra fat id like to lose but my friends and family think im fine
meganb1 -
I got perfect. I'm 5'10" and weigh 150 pounds.
Seems reasonable
I'm 13 and 5.2 at 143lbs. I got overweight, I've been gaining a lot so it makes sense to me.
Beehive1 -
This is the stupidest quiz eva bro1!!! Get a flippen life you spastik. Go back to school or call the reading writing hotline: 1300655506 :)
That is so obviously a virus or something
This is the stupidest quiz eva bro1!!! Get a flippen life you spastik. Go back to school or call the reading writing hotline: 1300655506 :)
523451 -
You are way too underweight! 77%
wtf im not underweight im ok. jeez who made this? im 5'7 and 80 pounds am i underweight?
Snuffs1 -
I got perfect! This isn't accurate! I am 14, 5'7" and 163 lbs. I do have a ton of muscle and eat well but still! lol.
i'm 5'5 and 116 lbs and it said i'm close to overweight... is that true? because i came out of this feeling worse than i did before haha
2241pm1 -
Close to overweight? I'm 5'7 and 131lb...Is this quiz even accurate???
I got really starting to get big
yeah I eat a lot... -
I'm way too underweight. I'm 5'2, and I weigh 59 pounds. Uhm, any advice?
Morbidly obese I weigh 856 pounds and I'm bead bound i would not recomend this for any one it's horible
I used to be borderline obese, crossed the line a couple of times. That was bad enough
Lmao I'm close to overweight I weigh 125 MAYBE IF I DIDNT LOVE FOOD SO MUCH UGH oh well at least I got a booty
way to underweight
Perfect :D
I got close to over weight and its right I am 5ft2 and 105 pounds
I got almost overweight
I am a 5”4 female 14 years old I weigh 104. My waist is 27 and have basically no boobs am I overweight
hilol1 -
This is actually accurate because I will be fine if I lose 10 kgs
I got skinny. i expected that. my waist is 20 (in inches) im 16, my thigh size is 14, i weigh 68.3lbs and im 5' 2 but my parents say im waaaayy too big. what do u think?
i weight 50kg and i lost 5kg in a week so im happy and im gonna lose more and become beautiful <3
Chyannetuttle you should gain weight your too skinny
hahaha jeez za you need some veggies girl
Lyla1 -
I am 5'2 and I weigh 135 pounds, am I fat?