The Other Side: Morning II

Welcome to "The Other Side", my second series and the little cousin of "Don't leave me hanging", my first series. If you haven't already, you might want to read the previous parts of this series, so that you can understand the story. This part will be in Vixla's point-of-view. Originally, I planned for this to be 2 parts, but since it's all on Blake, I merged then, so it could be a bit of a long read! Also, results for my contest appear at the end.
Recap: Vixla woke up with a nasty hangover in the same room as Oliver, Kyle, and Jared. Haunted by memories of a diasterous reunion with Jack the night before, all she wants to do is change out of her now staticky and uncomfortable dress and go home for some rest before she has to attend an elite team meeting later in the evening. Though she didn't want to, she had to get Blake out from his fangirl-filled room to have him act as her guide.