The Harry Potter Personality Quiz | Comments

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  • I got Harry Potter :) that makes sense because i'm just like him, only i'm a girl ;)

  • Some of these impressions are very rude to Hermione. For example, correcting a few of the questions. She would say not it like that. It disgusts me on your impression of her.

    Lily Luna
  • I'm Hermione, it's true. I'm super smart but I cry A LOT!!!! I have a weak stomach and love to read! And my 2 friends are a bunch of goof balls that beg me to help them with their homework, then I end up doing it for them *sigh* I wish I had a friend that was a girl my age. *starts to cry as she does friends homework* *Ron tells gross joke, turns green and pukes all over his homework, he looks at me and says, "do you need to see Madam Pomfrey" he says sympathetically. I nod and spew more breakfast out on both Ron and Harry, Harry got it worse than Ron, he glares at him as he tries to clean the vomit from his glasses using a spell. Meanwhile, my cheeks turn hot. Drako Malfoy comes over to us and laughs in our faces. He calls me a mud blood. "Is the mud blood sick?" Ron kicks his shin. Then, I suddenly turn green again and vomit all over his robes, professor Fitwick looks up and sees us as I run out of the room, crying. Ron and Harry let me cry and talk to me. I smile with gratitude

  • Ginny Weasly WOOOOO
    Guess I am like her.

  • I got Voldemort muhahaha

  • Ginny is really really like me or I'm like her. It's weird.

  • I got malfoy... But I'm a girl!

  • You are the evil Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter's enemy. Very mean and nasty, and not in the good way. You like ruining other people's good times. You need to fix your attitude before it gets you in trouble. On second thought, it already HAS. So, just fix your attitude, okay?

    sam singer17
  • awesome i got hermione and shes my favorite girl character so awesome quiz! :D

  • You are evil menion Voldemort, ruler of the villan world! You are worse than Draco Malfoy, you just like to destroy stuff! Please don't kill me! I am not worthy, I am not worthy, I am not worthy.

  • You are evil menion Voldemort, ruler of the villan world! You are worse than Draco Malfoy, you just like to destroy stuff! Please don't kill me! I am not worthy, I am not worthy, I am not worthy.

    ah yup story of my life. Eh better than Harry Potter anyway

    The Jerk
  • didn't mean to copy, sorry lorelie

  • "You are Hermione Granger, the smart one of the bunch. You love school and pay attention, but you still know how to have fun. You are the voice of reason among your friends. You know your stuff, and use it to get out of sticky situations that you seem to always get into."

  • You are Hermione Granger, the smart one of the bunch. You love school and pay attention, but you still know how to have fun. You are the voice of reason among your friends. You know your stuff, and use it to get out of sticky situations that you seem to always get into.

  • Ooo Ron :P Probably truth tough

  • Your Result: Ginny Weasly

    You are Ginny Weasly. Much like your brother Ron, you are very shy, very timid, but you have a great personality. You have many good friends and get into some good adventures. You are a nice true friend to have.

    YAYAYAYAY! !!! I absolutely love Ginny!

    Hermy Weasley
  • cool I'm hermoine who is emotional yet intelligent. and as for Lord Voldemort I'm abosolutly nothing like him apparently


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