The Hardest Taylor Swift Quiz Ever!!!

ARE YOU A TRUE SWIFTIE???¿?!! Take the quiz to find out! Its really really hard!!! But if you're a true Swiftie, you won't have a problem. Taylor Swift will love you no matter what!!!

Taylor will love you if take the quiz! Its probably one of the hardest Taylor quizzes ever. For example: What did Taylor trip on in basketball that broke her arm? Is a question. Think you can handle it?

Created by: swift13
  1. What sports did Taylor play?
  2. WHAT DID Taylor trip on when she broke her arm in basketball?
  3. What drink does Taylor always have in her fridge?
  4. What's one type of car Taylor has?
  5. What tattoo did Taylor have on her foot? (Don't worry it was henna)?
  6. What is her favorite nail polish Color?
  7. What is Taylor's 13 on her arm made of? (Usually, not the exact same every night)?
  8. Is Taylor swift Ticklish?
  9. Taylor met Abigail in what class.
  10. Taylor fav food.
  11. Taylor's guilty pleasure is.
  12. The job she wanted first was.
  13. Taylor's first song.
  14. Taylor was born on a:
  15. Taylors favorite show is what.
  16. How long was the 1 paragraph report Taylor. Was. Supposed. To hand in. In elementary school?
  17. Taylor's new kitten is named after what.
  18. Taylor spent her first night in her new house doing what.
  19. Her brothers name is.
  20. Who was Taylor named after?
  21. Taylor's weakness is.

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