The Famous Dork Quiz | Comments

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  • Normal,I'm far from normal lol but I'm not much of a dork nor nerd. I'm just a weird unique creative artist in my views. Cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • Dork

    Ding ding ding! We have a winner! You're a dork. You knew that. You know a lot of random stuff actually...You probably know what a male duck is called, and no, it's not a duck. I bet you tell "I'm a big dork" stories on a fairly regular basis. You're a member of Alpha Beta Needa Data. But what makes you cool (in your own sort of way) anyway is that you take all of this with a sense of humor. You know full well there's nothing wrong with being a little strange; you wouldn't have it any other way. That's pretty respectable. Even if your socks don't really match, if you look at 'em up close. But who's going to be looking that close at your socks anyway, right? So take pride in your dorkiness. You rock.


    why thanks you! and the two best books in the world are

    The Zombie Survival Guide and Geektastic Stories From the Nerd Herd!!! :D

    and the Holy Grail is one of my top favorite movies of all time!!!!!! XD


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