The Downfall- Prologue

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Hey guys! This is the Prologue for 'The downfall'. I hope you enjoy it, and are able to notice my progression on descriptions. I'll make sure to add descriptions of the guys on part one, I'm just trying not to give It all away.

If you enjoy this quiz, also read my other series ' If I didn't know any better...' These two series aren't exactly the same type, but I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy it. Hopefully.

Created by: ghettobabe4ever
  1. Thick crimson blood oozed down the side of my face as I trudged across a dirt road, the sound of gun shots still going off in my head. My legs began to ache unbearably as I fell down to my knees, being engulfed by a cloud of dirt. "Ahek-Ahek" I wheezed, choking back the tears that leapt to my eyes so quickly.
  2. Despite the fact that I felt like death was at my doorstep, I honestly wasn't too scared. I pulled myself up into a sitting position, where I could pull my pant leg up so I could examine my upper thigh better. Just as I suspected. Wedged inbetween my skin was a thick shard of glass, covered in a layer of dark blood. " mmph!" I grunted, touching my finger tip to my thigh. Closing my eyes in fear, I gripped onto the shard and quickly yanked it out. "AYEEE!" I cried out, tears pouring down my cheeks as blood poured from the cut. I bit the tip of my tongue, trying to control my emotions, but I was too hurt to care.
  3. "Are you okay, miss?" a deep voice asked. "I... I'm fine." I panted, tilting my head up to see who was talking. "You don't look fine. " he said. My eyes widened as I spotted the guy, his face a true masterpiece, while I appeared to be dead. " Why me? Why did he go after me?" I asked under my breath, hoping he didn't hear me, and surprisingly, he did. " Who? We'll talk about this later, actually. Come on, I'll take you to get some help. " he sighed, gently grasping at my fingertips.
  4. " ah. " I grunted, squinting my eyes in pain. "oh. Okay. Um, hold on a second. " he said, his eyes trailing down my body as he released my fingers. His dark boots clopped around loosely as he began to circle me, stopping once he'd gotten to my left side. "Wh.. What are you doing?" I asked him, a little scared of what he had in mind. 'Ha. Ash, he's way out of your league.' I thought to myself, unaware he'd been talking this whole time. " Just relax. I'm going to carry you, but I don't want you to get hurt. So just stay really still. " he said.
  5. "Fine... Fine" I muttered. He bent down to face me, our faces inches apart as he scooped me into his arms with a tired smile. " I'm Jax, by the way." he said, wrapping my arms around his neck to keep me from falling. " I'm.. I'm Ash." I whispered faintly, feeling my head pounding as he began to walk.
  6. "Ash. Do you think you could tell me what happened?" Jax asked, carrying me through a meadow full of vibrant, colorful flowers, tastefully tossed about like paint on a canvas. My ears perked up a bit as I heard water gushing and birds chirping excitedly. Why couldn't I had been born a bird? They never had to worry about school, or war, or bad love. "My... My ex brought me out to this place... This deserted place. He tried to kill me... He tried." I choked out, Jax's index finger running across a trail of tears on my cheek. "It'll all be okay, Ash. I'll help you the best I can. I won't let him get to you. " he assured me.
  7. "Jax. I don't... I don't think you should be worried about me. Cash... He.. He hates me. Hates me more than the devil himself. If he finds out... If he finds out you're protecting me... It'll only get you hurt. Do me a.. Favor. Just toss me. Toss me in that lake and don't look back. Just let me die." I pled, hot tears streaming down my face fast and hard, my spit thickening and making my breaths raggedy. "Don't say that. Don't give up. You shouldn't. You have so much beauty. Don't toss it away because of that Cash guy. I'll protect you no matter what. Even if I have to die, I'll keep you safe. " he said, his voice even as he looked down at my bloody face, smiling as if I were the best thing he'd ever seen.
  8. "J... Jax. Don't YOU say that. Don't get attached to me. Don't... Don't please." I pled with a guilty sniff, memories of me and Cash flooding my mind like a broken faucet. " Shhh. I'm already attached. It's too late. Just rest your eyes. We'll be there soon. " he sighed, my eyelids getting heavier as his deep voice lulled me to sleep. "if you insist." I whispered, falling into a deep sleep.
  9. ** DREAM MODE**My heartbeat began to slow down, my eyes stinging as I glanced around looking for Jax. "Jax?" I called out, my voice bouncing off of the walls and hitting my ears sharply. No answer. I stood to my feet and began to study my surroundings. White. Everything was white and cloudy, almost as if I were in a clear fog. Oh my gosh. Was I.. Was I in heaven? "Hello!?" I called out, my icy blue eyes studying each layer of cloud, hoping to find a way out. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Ashley Ramirez. How long did you think you could hide from me?" a voice asked. "Cash?" I asked, holding my breath as he walked over to me with a smirk. "Babe, it's been too long. I missed you." he whispered, pulling me into a warm hug. "Cash... You tried to kill me! Why are you suddenly so in love?" I asked, tears trying to pour from my eyes, but I wasn't going to give in so easily. His hazel eyes went icy as he gave a sharp snicker. "I don't love you. You killed him. He was all I had left. Now... Now I'll kill you." he whispered into my ear. "wh.. What ?" I asked, my body feeling as if it had been set on fire. He gave a sharp laugh as my body was engulfed in flames**
  10. My eyes shot open as I gave a loud shriek, sitting up in fear. I immediately raised my arms up, expecting to see my melted flesh, but to my relief, saw my pale, cut skin. Sure, it was bloody, but atleast it wasn't burned. My eyesight began to adjust to the darkness surrounding me and I found myself in what appeared to be a bedroom. The walls were painted a shade of navy blue and the floorboards a dark oak wood that reminded me of my old house. There were multiple posters surrounding me, mostly sports things, such as Micheal Jordan and LeBron James. The windows were covered with black curtains, which swayed in the wind, and there was a stack of books that were placed rather precariously. As I examined the room with a small smile, the door squeaked open, revealing a tall, handsome guy.
  11. **CLIFFHANGER **Okay, we're stopping it here for now, sorry. In the next part, you'll meet all of the guys and will get to know your character better. Until then,.... See you later! Also be sure to check out my other series 'If I didn't know any better...'
  12. Rate?
  13. Comment?
  14. Bye!

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