The Cursed Woods

There can be a few smart people I know but not as Smart as That! I would have been making a Harder Quiz for those Hard working and Intelegint people out there...

You Are a true Genuis!!! People as smart are definetly older than 13. You must be at least this smart to enter... That's what my big brother said when I was 7

Created by: Caebr8x

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You and Your friends, Ricky, Caleb, Alyssa, Fielder go for a park walk. Thoughts?
  2. (Name), Wanna camp in that Cabin?
  3. You and your friends go inside the Cabin. You and Ricky go Look around for a few minutes. Fielder wants you to come upstairs for a sec... Thoughts?
  4. You and your friends go inside the Cabin. You and Ricky go Look around for a few minutes. Fielder wants you to come upstairs for a sec... Thoughts?
  5. You and your friends go inside the Cabin. You and Ricky go Look around for a few minutes. Fielder wants you to come upstairs for a sec... Thoughts?
  6. You find REAL different colored Crystal necklaces. Caleb gets Green, Alyssa gets Pink, Ricky gets Orange, Fielder gets White, You get Black.Thoughts?
  7. You went home, you felt weird in the Morning. (Name), "Are you feeling weird too?"
  8. And that was Part One, What did you learn in this episode?
  9. Did You like the Quiz? I'ts my First Quiz!
  10. Wanna peace theis out?

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