The Basic Quiz About Islam

Oh nah dont worry about the comments. Its just testing This is a testing quiz. Just seeing how it works out. I hope will be able to create few more interesting quizzes inshallah

Oh nah dont worry about the comments. Its just testing Oh nah dont worry about the comments. Its just testing Oh nah dont worry about the comments. Its just testing

Created by: Irfan of Islam4me
(your link here more info)
  1. Where is Allah?
  2. Who is your Rubb? (the Lord,the Creator etc)
  3. What is your religion?
  4. How did you know Allah?
  5. Is Allah with us (in person)?
  6. Who are the friends of Allah?
  7. How do you worship Allah?
  8. What is the meaning of Islam ?
  9. What is Iman?
  10. How many times a day muslim pray?

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