Survivalist Quiz

Lets face it, the Zombie Apocalypse is bound to happen, but are you ready to face it? This quiz will tell you if you are good enough to go guns a-blazing or if you should just commit suicide.

Will you survive a Zombie Attack? REALLY? This quiz is not based on stupid Hollywood facts. It's not biased to Romero Zombies. Or a certain ridiculous Survival Guide. Most questions have little to do with the Undead. They have to do, with you!

Created by: Cole

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Gun of Choice...
  2. You ran out of ammo, you get...
  3. A zombie is laying on the ground near you, he's not a threat, but you have plenty of ammo, you...
  4. Your fellow survivor is hurt, a zombie sliced his/her leg, you...
  5. You run out of food, where do you go?
  6. You and your 'friend' find a zombie pack, you...
  7. How can you contract the Zombie virus...
  8. You aren't immune and you were bitten, you...
  9. Most realistic zombie movie?
  10. Which of these skills are you best at?
  11. The best place to set up camp...

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